Monday, June 25, 2012

Sofia Loren

Sofia Loren was, is and always will be the ultimate, exotic and sexy screen siren. Today, well into her 80s she still does the occasional movie role. Sooner or later in the movie the sex kitten emerges. Now, how many women of advanced years can anyone think of who are capable of pulling that off. I can only think of one... Sofia.

The first time I really took notice of Sofia Loren was in El Cid with Charlton Heston. At the time it was the early 80s and I was in junior high school. Being a military academy the school was not the funnest or liveliest place on the planet. That is until we got Missss Capo in history class. Just like the school, she was hardly what I would call a barrel of laughs. However, she had one redeeming quality. For history class she would every now and then play period films. This was her way of showing us the costumes and customs of the era. Thus it was that I was introduced to El Cid, and consequently Ms. Loren during a time when we were studying Spanish history.

When I was choosing a picture to send Ms. Loren I landed on this one. The picture is from The Fall of the Roman Empire. Visually stunning throughout (one of the few redeeming qualities) the film ever so gently uses red as a way to symbolize sumptuousness and decadence.

As anyone can see from the picture below, red is most definitely Ms. Loren's color!


  1. What a great blog and I love the pictures and that you get them signed.

    Sophia though is only 78, born in 1934, so not quite into her 80s yet! She would not be pleased to hear that! (That other Italian superstar Gina Lollobrigida is in fact 85).

    I saw Sophia up close in 1979, when she was doing a book signing at a department store in London (Selfridges) which was packed with people wanting to see her so she could only sign a few books - but I got mine signed - as you can see here:
